Definition of Government issue

1. Noun. Supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government.

Exact synonyms: Issue, Military Issue
Category relationships: Armed Forces, Armed Services, Military, Military Machine, War Machine
Generic synonyms: Fund, Stock, Store
Derivative terms: Issue

Definition of Government issue

1. Noun. Any articles issued in conformity with US military regulations or procedures ¹

2. Noun. (countable finance) A group of securities with the same maturity, interest rate, and terms and conditions issued by a government. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Government Issue

governing board
governing body
government activity
government agencies
government agency
government agent
government bond
government building
government cheese
government department
government hospital
government income
government issue
government issues
government man
government men
government minister
government note
government office
government officials
government programs
government revenue
government security
government spending
government stroke
government take
government takes

Literary usage of Government issue

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Money and Its Laws: Embracing a History of Monetary Theories, and a History by Henry Varnum Poor (1877)
"In this way, and in this way only, might a government issue a convertible currency; which, except in extraordinary emergencies, would be maintained at the ..."

2. Money and Its Laws: Embracing a History of Monetary Theories, and a History by Henry Varnum Poor (1877)
"In this way, and in this way only, might a government issue a convertible currency; which, except in extraordinary emergencies, would be maintained at the ..."

3. Economics and Politics: A Series of Papers Upon Public Questions Written on by Rowland Gibson Hazard (1889)
"But if the government issue merely displaces a like amount of other paper circulation, no advance of prices will follow, and the government will then get ..."

4. The Science of Money and American Finances: Containing a Philosophy of Money by Luther Vanhorn Moulton (1880)
"The analogy is completed when we compare the government issue of paper money and the railway. In the case of the paper money its cost of production is no ..."

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